Relaxed Dental Treatment

We ensure you feel comfortable while receiving your treatment, through laughing gas sedation or general anaesthesia

Laughing gas sedation

  • No More Fear! Laughing gas helps you feel at ease. You barely notice the treatment and feel relaxed.
  • Laughing gas calms you down, alleviates the pain and reduces anxiety.
  • This procedure is available for children and adults of all ages.
  • After three to four normal breaths, you feel refreshed and are even able to drive!

Total asleep with general anaesthesia

  • Sleep your way through the treatment with sedation and wake up with your new beautiful smile – without experiencing any fear or stress whatsoever.
  • Our experienced anaesthetist will take care of you and you will not notice the treatment at all.
  • You will breathe by yourself, without the need for artificial assistance. This method is not as stressful on the body as full narcosis.
  • All dental treatments are available using the above-mentioned procedures. We would be happy to consult you on the method most suitable for you.
Anaesthesia. German Dentist Clinic Marbella San Pedro